Did you know that there are significant POC rules changes coming for Level 2 ASPs working on Ausgrid’s network?
The Power of Choice metering rules are changing, especially around bulk issue metering equipment. Although there will be a transition period, strict rules regarding the installation of flat rate meters will exist at this time. Read on to make sure you don’t get caught out!
In a recent email from the Metering Compliance and Regulation department, Ausgrid have announced significant changes to the Power of Choice metering rules. These changes will particularly affect bulk issue meters.
When will the changes commence?
The Power of Choice metering rules will commence on 1 December 2017.
There will be a transition period from 1 December 2017 to 30 March 2018. This applies to retailers who have elected to participate in this transition.
There are also strict rules around installing Ausgrid ToU and flat rate meters during this time.
What are the new rules for bulk issue meters?
As part of these PoC changes, Ausgrid will no longer be issuing Bulk Issue metering equipment to Level 2 ASPs after the 27 October 2017. This will be the case even if you have previously been approved for bulk issuing.
Ausgrid also need ASPs to return all outstanding bulk issue meters by the 24 November 2017.
You are not permitted to install any bulk issue meters after 30 November 2017.
Refunds on metering deposits
You can apply for a refund of your metering deposit.
Ausgrid is directing Level 2 ASPs to refer to the ES4 – Accredited Service Provider Authorisation document (clause for instructions on arranging your refund.